Lantaran iseng bikin fans site Topeng Kaca di, banyak yang menganggap saya tau bocoran-bocoran Topeng Kaca… antara lain endingnya, kapan komik lanjutannya bakal diterbitin dan… (ummm) nasib Suzue Miuchi, si pengarang yang isunya udah meninggal dunia. Ga semua email berhasil saya bales (sorry… soalnya banyak banget bo… udah gitu nanyain hal yang udah dijelasin di FAQ Topeng Kaca yang udah saya wanti-wanti untuk dibaca sebelomnya ^^), alhasil terinspirasilah saya buat nulis penjelasannya langsung di blog. Semoga yang masi penasaran ama Topeng Kaca bisa terpuaskan 🙂
Pertama-tama… saya sekedar fans bouw… hehe. Jadi bisa dibilang sama ga taunya ama semua fans Topeng Kaca yang bertanya-tanya soal ketiga hal di atas. Jadi, bingunglah saya kalo mendadak ditanya endingnya Topeng Kaca bakal seperti apa, kapan komiknya bakal nongol lagi (tanya langsung ke Elex Media Komputindo aja yaaa), apalagi meramal nasibnya Suzue Miuchi 😀 Boro-boro bisa mudheng kisahnya Suzue gimana, bisa bahasa Jepangpun saya kaga 🙂
Kedua, saya ngerti sih banyak manusia yang penasaran ama kelanjutan cintanya Maya Kitajima dan Masumi Hayami… saya juga sama. Komik satu ini emang ga ada matinya, keren banget!!! Dunia akting diceritakan dengan sangat amat menarik, malah aktris Titi Kamal bolak-balik menyebut komik ini sebagai sumber inspirasi kenapa dia jadi artis 😀 Saya ga segitunya seh, ga sampe mendadak terinspirasi jadi artis, tapi setidaknya pesan di komik ini cukup kuat untuk membuat saya semangat melakukan yang terbaik di pekerjaan saya sendiri (tanpa harus mimpi mau jadi artis segala ^^) Komik Topeng Kaca ini komik terbaik yang pernah saya baca setelah Candy-candy… dan sekarang saya udah melewati fase-fase penasaran lantaran udah 9-10 taunan komik ini nggantung, brenti di tengah jalan. 11 Mei 2005, Elkom sempet memberi secercah harapan dengan menerbitkan komik ke-42nya, tapi sampai hampir 2 taun kemudian, tahun 2007, ga ada suaranya lagi. Ga heran tuduhan Suzue meninggal makin menjadi-jadi 🙂
Ketiga… banyak yang ngotot ke saya, katanya endingnya sebenernya udah ada, saya aja yang ga tau. Hmmm saya pernah baca sih endingnya, terus terang, rather cheesy… dan dari gaya ceritanya sih berasa banget bukan Suzue Miuchi yang nulis. Dan memang kabarnya ending Topeng Kaca itu adalah bikinan fans (yang udah hopeless dan akhirnya mereka-reka jalan cerita sendiri) , meaning, fake version. Soal itu, udah pernah dibahas di Forum MangaSync. Meski sejujurnya, setelah baca komik n0.42 Suzue taun 2005 kemaren, saya rada bingung sih, kok gaya cerita Suzue yang begitu kuat mendadak jadi begitu? (Baca Topeng Kaca l Bidadari Merah 9)
Melengkapi penjelasan di atas, saya paste ya FAQ Topeng Kaca yang didapet dari Forum MangaSync tadi.
1. How did Glass Mask end?
No idea. The series has yet to finish for a VERY long time.
2. Have Glass Mask finished in Japan?
3. How many volumes are there altogether?
SO FAR, 42 volumes
4. What do you mean “so far”? I’ve already read the ending of Glass Mask!
Then that is NOT the true version of Glass Mask. It is a fake version and is best left in the trash.
5. What happened after such-and-such story arc/volume?
There are many instances for this type of question:
If following Mangasync’s releases
and you just want a little bit of further spoils, just wait for the next release. If you’re TRULY desperate, go ask in one of the spoiler threads.
If following LEGALLY published volumes of Glass Mask
and you’ve stopped reading anywhere BEFORE volume 42 and want to know what happens, ask in spoiler thread or wait for Mangasync’s releases
If you’ve read ANY version of Glass Mask PAST story arc of Vol.42
best advice is to wait for Miuchi to release her revised version. If you’re desperate, ask in spoiler thread and see if anyone knows
6. What do you mean by legal copies, pirated copies and fake copies?
Since Glass Mask have been around for a long time and is vastly popular, her works have been exploited by many.
Legal Copies: These can mean the published singular volumes or the Hana-to-Yume bi-monthly magazines, licensed by Hakusensha. Hakusensha have also done some special releases over the years as means of promotion and of course, to gain new fans.
Of course, any language version of Glass Mask that have been approved of copyright by Hakusensha are also considered as Legal Copies.
Pirated Copies: Pirated version of mangas have pretty much been exterminated by this time and age. Of course, some countries still do it but it is mostly inexistent now. However, when Glass Mask first started, manga piraters were still at large, especially around parts of Asia. The story arcs of these versions do not usually differ from the original. That’s because manga piraters merely photocopies the legal copies that were released and distribute their copies to the public to gain some extra buck.
However, there are also times when pirated copies DO differ from the original. That is when piraters photocopies the original versions and translate them to different languages themselves. What tends to happen is that piraters’ language skills are not exactly excellent hence, distributing poorly printed and translated versions of Glass Mask.
Fake Copies: I wasn’t aware of the existence of these until recently. Even so, I’m still not sure whether they do exist. However, if they do, I won’t be surprised. As everyone should know by now, Glass Mask has yet to finish. From what I’ve heard, it seems that fake copies finishes the Glass Mask series for Miuchi sensei. In a sense, it is no more than a Doujinshi. The only difference, however, is that they are NOT sold as Doujinshi but as works of Miuchi sensei.
7. What is all these talks about revised version and old version?
When Miuchi sensei stopped serialising in Hana to Yume, she had (correct me if I’m wrong) 39 volumes published. However, she had managed to draw at least 48 volumes worth of story arc before she’d stopped. From what I’ve read, she was pretty much close to finishing the series. However, Miuchi sensei was NOT satisfied with her work, particularly with everything past volume 39. She reckons she’d spent far too much time and effort on the romance of the story and diverted away from the Crimson Goddess competition which is ultimately, the main plot. Unsatisfied with her work, Miuchi sensei forbade Hakusensha to publish ANY of the story arc past volume 39 into takubons (singular volumes) and thus, began Glass Mask’s long freeze period where fans wait patiently for her REVISED version of the story arc past Volume 39.
However, the old story arc she had drawn PAST volume 39 were published in the serial magazine, Hana to Yume. Hence, many people tend to still come across these old versions of the later plots that have yet to be revised and published by Miuchi sensei.
In summary:
Volume 1 to 39 is the result of her long and popular serialisation of Glass Mask
Revised versions:
Volume 40 – published in 1993 (correct me if I’m wrong)
Volume 41 – published in 1998
Volume 42 – published in Dec 2004
As of now, further releases are NOT known. There are also talks of revising and modernising the art style of her ENTIRE series. Proof of this talk can be seen in Volume 42 with the appearance of modern technologies
A little advice: Stick to the published takubons (singular volumes) for the plot. As for old versions, keep them as part of a Glass Mask’s collectors’ pride. The existence of old versions are rare now. In Japan, it seems only the national library have the copies of the old versions.
8. Is Glass Mask out in (PLACE)?
Glass Mask is licensed in the following country, AS FAR AS I KNOW:
Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Italy
And in case anyone is wondering, no, it is NOT out in US.
9. Where can I find Glass Mask anime?
Old version (1985): Mangasync channel. The entire series is downloadable.
OVA (3 episodes): According to Luchs, NOT WORTH IT
New version (2005):
Raws: or
Note: l33t has better quality and usually releases 3 day after air time in Japan. Saiyaman releases right after the latest airing but lower quality.
Release FAQ
Nah… sekian!
Uhuyy.. samaaa.. ini juga salah satu komik fave gua sepanjang masaa!! Ceritanyaa.. gila, man! Bikin penasaraaann!! Pastinya sih cuman satu, gua ngga mau Maya berakhir dgn Koji, aarrrggghhh.. tidaaaakk!! Gua ngga menunggu nih komik sedemikian lamanya hanya untuk melihat Maya jadian ma Koji di akhir cerita!! 😛
Btw, salam kenal ya, dpt alamat blog ini dr hasil searching di Google, hehehe.. 😀
Hehehe. Aku baru aja bc topeng kaca bayang2 jingga y dah lama bgt. Aku jd penasaran abis sama ni cerita, pgn deh ksh saran buat miuchi-sensei spy endingna ga terlalu greget kaya dunia mimpi. Tp jgn terlalu perfeksionis, entar malah ga kelar2. Hehehe, by the way, komik ini keren abis, dibaca2 berulang2 ga bosen2.
klw ngomongin topeng kaca g akan pernah ada habisnya, masalahnya ceritanya tuh bagus banget dan gak ada tandingannnya. malah mungkin komik2 lain banyak yang meniru alur cerita dari topeng kaca. bahkan diantara temen2 gw yg g suka baca komik, mereka bilang ini komik yang paling bagus dan ceritanya gak bikin BT n bagus banget. gw n family ud adalah fans berat manga ini. n sampe sekarang masih setia nungguin kapan bukunya terbit lagi dan gimana akhir crita antara maya n masumi yang penuh liku2
setuju…..ama yg laen….saking kerennya, aq za msh bs ceritain ulang dr yg no. 1 d mn dia msh anak2 mpe no.terakhir d mn dia jd cln Bida2ri Merah yg lg binun krn cinta…..oh….so…..sweeeeet……kpn y edisi berikutnya muncul? knp hrs nunggu seabad?
2021 already… Last volume itu 49 (CMIIW) daaaannn belom juga ada kabarnya lagi.
Anime series 2005 nya endingnya pun sepertinya g original krn di komik Chigusa Sensei blm meniggal kayak di akhir anime series nya…
Udah bener2 hopeless kah?
Hahahaha iyaaaaa ga jelas lah ini komik. Mau dilanjutin pun kayanya udah ilfil ya kita yang bacanya :))